Poem 2


born of another time
and lost to the madness of our age.
the great spirit finds no solace here.
no place to rest
no foes to conquer
only frailty perceived as strength
and power turned to incredulity
the blank stares of a million souls
and a light would only cast them all in shadows.

the power is kept near
its strength is only evil

for who can save those
who cannot see the fires light or warmth
and only feel its burn?

Poem 1


Mystery is the only truth
Change is the only constant
Life is the only gift
Death is the only mercy

Is it understood that the sea has no depth?
forever changing, it cannot be measured
the heavens have no limits
of which our mind can conceive.

today the righteous stand among the lost ones
and there is no distinction

only forms and shadows.