Great Time Magazine Article about Speaking

I haven’t posted in a while but I came across this article and hope it will be as beneficial to you guys out there as it was to me. God bless.


A wise Arab proverb says, “Every war begins with words.”

In the teachings of Islamic spirituality there is much that is written about the importance of restraining the tongue. The tongue is called “the mirror of the heart.” In other words, what appears on our tongue is a chief indicator of what is in our hearts. And, this becomes even truer in those unguarded moments when anger, frustration, or stress gets the best of us and our tongues lose any sense of discipline.

This is, perhaps, why the Prophet Muhammad said that one of the ways of knowing if there is hypocrisy in our hearts is to examine what we say with our tongues when we become angry. If it is foul and vile words, then that is a measure of how much purification of the heart remains.

The masters of Islamic spirituality teach that the heart and the tongue have a two-way relationship. Even though the tongue is the mirror whereas the heart is the reality, if we work on polishing the mirror the reality also becomes polished with time and effort.

So, what does it mean to work on the tongue? It means struggling within ourselves to restrain the tongue from all that is corrupt and ugly, like one would pull back a wild horse, and to train the tongue in the speech of goodness and beauty.

The sages and scholars of Islamic spirituality warn that the tongue should be guarded from the following 8 types of speech: lying; breaking promises or oaths; speaking ill of others or slandering; wrangling, arguing and disputing with others without any clear benefit or when you fear it will get out of hand; self-justification or self-praise in a way that leads to arrogance; cursing or using foul language; invoking evil on creatures even if they are your worst enemies; jesting, ridiculing, and scoffing at people in a way that hurts people’s feelings or gives them a bad reputation – this is even worse when this type of speech is directed toward an entire community of people.

Each one of these has their specific descriptions and treatments, but in summary there are five steps that we can take to become more aware of our speech and to polish our tongues, according to the spiritual teachers:

1) Knowledge: Just be aware of the 8 types of speech that you should avoid. Knowledge leads to introspection and introspection leads to reform. When you notice any of these ailments on your tongue, take yourself to task and work to change you condition.

2) Silence: The Prophet Muhammad said that “anyone who believes in God and the Last Day should either speak well or remain silent.” Silence is golden, so goes the saying. Thinking before you speak is the key. One of the great sages of Islam and Caliph after the Prophet Muhammad would place a small stone underneath his tongue and move it to speak only after considering whether what he had to say was truly beneficial. This might be too difficult of a practice for many of us, but it goes to show how seriously silence was taken among the spiritual elite.

3) Fasting: Increase your days of fasting, for fasting by its nature teaches restraint.

4) Change your surrounding: Keeping good company and keeping yourself busy with good things so that your tongue finds very little opportunity to engage in baseless conversations.

5) Remembering the Divine: Cloaking your tongue with the beautiful names of God and the praise of those names will make your tongue to incline toward that which is beautiful and wholesome. Eventually, ugly speech will be completely antithetical and unnatural to a tongue that is used to beauty.

The remaining days of Ramadan are perfect days to intensify our practice of cultivating a disciplined tongue. These are not only the days of peak restraint but also of increasingly remembering God, seeking forgiveness and longing for salvation.

Original article at:

A Native American (Lakota) Prayer


Oh, Great Spirit, whose voice I hear in the winds.

And whose breath gives life to all the world.

Hear me! I am small and weak.

I need your strength and wisdom.

Let me walk in beauty, and make my eyes

Ever hold the red and purple sunset.

Make my hands respect the things you have made.

My ears sharp to hear your voice.

Make me wise so that I may understand

The things you might teach me.

Let me learn the lessons you have hidden

In every leaf and rock.

I seek strength, not to be greater than my brother.

But to fight my greatest enemy, myself.

Make me always ready to come to you

With clear hands and straight eyes.

So when life fades, as the fading sunset.

My spirit may come to you without shame.

Jose Silva on ‘Higher Intelligence’ and God

gustave caillebotte - man on the balcony

“Now let us deal with a larger question. I have mentioned Higher Intelligence a number of times in past chapters. Is this some noncommittal way of mine of referring to God? I cannot prove what I am about to say; I must speak from faith. My answer is no, by Higher Intelligence I do not mean God. I use capitals for the words because I am so respectful of it, but to me it is not God.

The universe seems to do what it does with remarkable efficiency – without a scrap of waste. When I put one foot in front of another, I cannot believe it is one of God’s preoccupations to see that I do not trip, nor, for that matter, is it a concern of Higher Intelligence; it is mine. I was genetically programmed to learn to walk ; that was God’s work. Now that I have learned, the routine steps are up to me.

However, some steps in life are not routine, and I may need information not available through the five senses to make a decision. For this I turn to Higher Intelligence. Sometimes I need overall advice of transcending importance. For this I turn to God. I pray.

I see various levels of intelligence as a continuum, going from inanimate matter to the vegetable to the animal, then to human and to Higher Intelligence and finally to God. I believe I have scientifically found ways of communicating with each level, from the inanimate to Higher Intelligence.”

~Jose Silva, The Silva Mind Control Method (pg 119)

Moving Closer to God


“Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you”

-James 4:8

“When my servant takes one step towards Me, I take ten steps towards him. When my servant comes walking towards Me, I come running towards him.”

– Hadith Qudsi

Have you ever noticed how people who don’t believe in God get annoyed or poke fun of people who do? It’s because it takes an active participation not to believe, as it’s extremely natural to know that God exists. We are born with this understanding, and then slowly our heads are filled by earthy thoughts and the devils’ whisperings. The problem is that Satan and his servants’ (many of the djinn) purpose in life (yes they have lives, though they are much longer than ours) is to convince people not to believe in God, so that they can embarrass mankind in His eyes and drag as many people down to hell with them as they can. The djinn are a complicated topic, so I won’t get into them here, but I will tell you that there are many different types of djinn and that each person has a djinn who follows them for life and whispers lies in their ear meant to divert them from The Strait Path to God.

The evil ones’ main lie is this: “Believe is anything other than God, do what you want and sin.”

This means belief in fate, in your own ability to get things done, that your significant other is the source of your happiness, that technology or conservation will save the earth, etc. None of these things are possible without God, and Satan rejoices in knowing that you believe in these things more than your Creator.

But God is Often-Forgiving, Most-Merciful and so has has told us that if we seek him, he will seek us. And in fact, if we take one step towards him, he will take ten towards us. He will make it much easier for us, but it is up to us to take the steps…

God bless!