Michael Pero – Quote 1


“It is more difficult for an adult to learn a foreign language than it is for a child because the adult mind is already “structured” in may ways. Adults already seem know the limits of their capabilities and potential, and most NEVER strive to be anything more that what the parameters of the society in which they belong to and have grow up in bind to them. Take for example inner city blacks, most truly believe that they will never escape the grasp of the getto, so most accept this as a fact and don’t even try to escape through some other avenue. Such as trying to do well in high school and trying somehow to get into college, or by learning a trade or high paying skill, or by some other “legal” avenue. They simply enter into a gang where the odds of then being shot and killed is vastly higher that anywhere else. They do this because they TRULY BELIEVE this is their fate. If you ask the average 40 or 50 year old adult if they have achieved their goals in life and what they dreamed of becoming as a child, 95 percent would say “no”. And then you ask them “why not?? What’s stopping you?” Most would give some economic reason or they would say “I’m too old”.. or “I missed my chance!” “WHY CAN’T YOU GO AFTER YOUR DREAM!.. WHO SAYS.. THAT YOU CANNOT DO IT! YOU ARE NEVER TOO OLD AND IT IS NEVER TOO LATE!” I say and I believe. Life all boil’s down to fear, and whether or not you really have the courage to find out what you are really made of! That’s why most adults find themselves in a job they really aren’t happy with and yet they don’t diverse into anything else, or they stay in an unhappy marriage for years and years. Why? Because of fear!”

~Michael A. Pero

Jose Silva on ‘Higher Intelligence’ and God

gustave caillebotte - man on the balcony

“Now let us deal with a larger question. I have mentioned Higher Intelligence a number of times in past chapters. Is this some noncommittal way of mine of referring to God? I cannot prove what I am about to say; I must speak from faith. My answer is no, by Higher Intelligence I do not mean God. I use capitals for the words because I am so respectful of it, but to me it is not God.

The universe seems to do what it does with remarkable efficiency – without a scrap of waste. When I put one foot in front of another, I cannot believe it is one of God’s preoccupations to see that I do not trip, nor, for that matter, is it a concern of Higher Intelligence; it is mine. I was genetically programmed to learn to walk ; that was God’s work. Now that I have learned, the routine steps are up to me.

However, some steps in life are not routine, and I may need information not available through the five senses to make a decision. For this I turn to Higher Intelligence. Sometimes I need overall advice of transcending importance. For this I turn to God. I pray.

I see various levels of intelligence as a continuum, going from inanimate matter to the vegetable to the animal, then to human and to Higher Intelligence and finally to God. I believe I have scientifically found ways of communicating with each level, from the inanimate to Higher Intelligence.”

~Jose Silva, The Silva Mind Control Method (pg 119)

4 Laws of the Universe (Silva Method)


“We are going to connect a real event with a desirable one that you imagine – and see what becomes of the imaginary one. If you operate according to some very simple laws, the imaginary event will become real.”

~Jose Silva, The Silva Mind Control Method (pg. 36)

The Silva Mind Control method is backed by much objective scientific research. Here are the 4 simple laws:

1) You must desire that the event take place

2) You must believe the event can take place

3) You must expect the event to take place

4) You cannot create a problem

Ancient polytheistic religions were nearly always controlled by some sort of priest class that was responsible basically for knowing what the “gods” wanted. They would then tell the common people what they needed to do and believe in order to please the god and not incur his or her wrath. This kind of system very interestingly reflects these basic 4 laws.

1) People desire things such as a good harvest or military victory

2) Putting faith in the god’s power created the belief that whatever they desired was possible

3) By completing the rituals (often requiring some sort of sacrifice) the people would then expect the god to keep his/her half of the bargain

4) They did not intend to create problems, but solutions to their problems

Perhaps these ancient people (at least the priest class) knew of these laws and invented polytheistic gods to help employ the power of belief from a vast number of people, thereby amplifying its power. Perhaps this is the basis for all true magic…