How to Build a Nuke


“Building a basic nuclear weapon is not easy, but not all that hard either. In 1964 the U.S. Army decided to see just how difficult it was. They hired two professors that had Ph.Ds in physics, but no experience with nuclear weapons or access to nuclear secrets. The two were given the task of designing an atomic bomb using only information available to the general public. It took them roughly two years, but in the end they designed an implosion style weapon that could have been made in a local machine shop which could have produced an explosion similar to the Hiroshima bomb.” [1]

Grab Some Uranium

Or preferably Plutonium. You’ll need some sort of large atom that releases high velocity neutrons anyways. The explosion of a nuclear bomb happens because the atoms are are literally blasting each other with neutrons, breaking into smaller atoms which shoot off even more neutrons in the process, breaking even more atoms which shoot off even more neutrons! This process happens in an extremely small amount of time (way less than a second) and is called a chain reaction. The process of breaking the atoms into smaller atoms is called fission. As these atoms are ripping each other apart they are releasing an enormous amount of energy. The amount energy released is described in the famous formula E=mc^2. And trust me, it’s a lot.


Reach Critical Mass

This is the amount of mass (or atoms) needed to create this kind of nuclear chain reaction. You’ll need about a baseball sized chunk of weapons-grade quality stuff weighing around 35 lb. The good news is Uranium Ore is being conventionally mined on every continent so there’s a chance you might have some under your backyard. With some luck, and a lot of digging you can be well on your way to building your first nuke!

Make it go SUPER-critical:

This is the tricky part. You might want to hire a team of scientists and engineers to take care of this for you if you’re lazy. But if your determined to cut costs and do it yourself, here’s the basic idea on what you have to do to get a real quality explosion.

In order for this bomb to detonate in a fiery explosion and not just a shockwave of radiation, you must hold the materials together long enough for the Uranium to go supercritical. This is not easy to do, as the atoms would much rather shoot away from each other than be violently ripped apart. To do this it is conventional to use detonations all around the material to hold it together. But the pressure must also be distributed uniformly, or the uranium will find a weak point and leak out.

And now you have a Nuclear Warhead!

You’ll still have to build a sophisticated rocket for launching it but the hard part is now all behind you. Congratulations 🙂


So What?

So it took me about an hour on google to figure out the basic mechanics behind a nuclear bomb, and I’ve never even taken a chemistry class. What does this mean? Well, It means that any country (or individual) with a few smart scientists, a lot of money, and the ability to use google could potentially engineer a nuke in a few years. I wouldn’t be surprised if most countries already have nuclear weapons, and the NPT [2] is just a way of trying to keep everybody calm.

Links for Further Study:



Michael Pero – Quote 1


“It is more difficult for an adult to learn a foreign language than it is for a child because the adult mind is already “structured” in may ways. Adults already seem know the limits of their capabilities and potential, and most NEVER strive to be anything more that what the parameters of the society in which they belong to and have grow up in bind to them. Take for example inner city blacks, most truly believe that they will never escape the grasp of the getto, so most accept this as a fact and don’t even try to escape through some other avenue. Such as trying to do well in high school and trying somehow to get into college, or by learning a trade or high paying skill, or by some other “legal” avenue. They simply enter into a gang where the odds of then being shot and killed is vastly higher that anywhere else. They do this because they TRULY BELIEVE this is their fate. If you ask the average 40 or 50 year old adult if they have achieved their goals in life and what they dreamed of becoming as a child, 95 percent would say “no”. And then you ask them “why not?? What’s stopping you?” Most would give some economic reason or they would say “I’m too old”.. or “I missed my chance!” “WHY CAN’T YOU GO AFTER YOUR DREAM!.. WHO SAYS.. THAT YOU CANNOT DO IT! YOU ARE NEVER TOO OLD AND IT IS NEVER TOO LATE!” I say and I believe. Life all boil’s down to fear, and whether or not you really have the courage to find out what you are really made of! That’s why most adults find themselves in a job they really aren’t happy with and yet they don’t diverse into anything else, or they stay in an unhappy marriage for years and years. Why? Because of fear!”

~Michael A. Pero

The 5 Types of People


“How much do external characteristics tell about a man? They tell, with amazing accuracy, all the basic, fundamental principal traits of his nature. The size, shape and structure of a man’s body tell more important facts about his real self—what he thinks and what he does—than the average mother ever knows about her own child. […] If this sounds impossible, if the seeming incongruity, multiplicity and heterogeneity of human qualities have baffled you, remember that this is exactly how the print in all books and newspapers baffled you before you learned to read.”

This very cool book outlines the 5 basic types of people based on their dominant biological systems. These are:

1) nutritive system (fat people) – “the enjoyer” – the chief distinguishing marks of the Alimentive in the order of their importance are ROUNDED OUTLINES, IMMATURE FEATURES and DIMPLED HANDS.


2) circulatory system (florid people) – “the thriller” – the chief distinguishing marks of the Thoracic in the order of their importance, are FLUSHED COMPLEXION, HIGH CHEST and LONG WAIST.


3) muscular system (muscular people) – “the worker” – “the chief distinguishing marks of the Muscular, in the order of their importance, are LARGE, FIRM MUSCLES,  A SQUARE JAW and SQUARE HANDS.


4) skeletal system (boney people) – “the stayer” – the distinguishing marks of the Osseous, in the order of their importance, are PROPORTIONATELY LARGE BONES FOR THE BODY, PROMINENT JOINTS and A LONG FACE


5) nervous system (cerebral people) – “the thinker” – the chief distinguishing
marks of the Cerebral, in the order of their importance, are the HIGH FOREHEAD and a PROPORTIONATELY LARGE HEAD FOR THE BODY.


Every person has each of these systems and so displays qualities associated with each, but this book professes that each person also has a dominant system that most greatly influences their personality and body type. It makes sense that genetic predispositions would effect our underlying personality. By recognizing these archetypes, one will be able to “read” any stranger at a glance and determine the basic characteristics of their personality.

HERE is a link for the full text.

I was considering the cerebral type and how it’s connected closely with the nervous system. Being interested in the martial arts I have always considered the wisdom of great warriors such as Miyamoto Musashi and Sun Tzu, but wondered why advanced levels of martial skill were usually accompanied by great mental insights. I believe it has a lot to do with the discipline required to master any art, but in light of the theory proposed by this book it seems that it might also have something to do with the nervous systems connection with the cerebral personality type. The nervous system is important for reflexes, which (albeit trained) are what basically govern hand to hand combat. It makes sense then that a great warrior, who would necessarily have great reflexes, would also then be of the “cerebral” type and thus be predisposed to be, well, pretty smart.